Essay on “Time is the coin of Our life”

In This article we are discussing about Importance of Time in our life, also called “Time is the coin of Our life” The time is very important in our life. here detail of Essay about time. Complete English Essay for Class 6 To 12 and Graduation.


Time is the coin of Our life.


Good use of time

The speed of the time cycle is very unique. Its speed is free. The cycle of time is constantly moving, stopping is not its religion. The above lines of the poet are true about time, time is considered to be the most important and valuable wealth in the world. If other wealth of man is destroyed then it is possible that he can recover from hard work, effort, and struggle, but the last time does not come back. For this reason, it is said to consider time as the most valuable money.

Time never waits for anyone. He is constantly moving, some people are sitting hand in hand saying that if time does not come, he is constantly going and galloping. We can make him good only by continuing to work. Time can be made good, progressive, and fortunate for itself by doing good deeds and being good. No speed other than that. All other things are about to waste time. And bad karma and bad behavior also make good times bad.

The secret of the success of life lies in the use of time itself. If a person recognizes the cycle of time and works properly, his progress may take four moons. It is said that a moment of time must come in every man’s life that if he identifies him and starts working at that time, then there is no reason why he cannot get success. Everyone is equally entitled to the right use of time. No one has a monopoly on this. All the great men in the world have been able to reach that point only because of the good use of time. The secret to success is to complete the work on time.

There is a proverb in folklife that a man who has missed a moment is left behind. Recognizing that proper path, a man who walks on time gets his floor also properly and definitely. It is clear that the one who does it will reach somewhere. A non-walking person can only dream of getting the floor, cannot touch his shadow at the level of behavior. Therefore, it should be started immediately.

Today’s work should not be left on tomorrow. One should never back down from performing his duty of religion. One should not think that a task is small or big Actually no work is done small or big. A good and careful man makes small or ordinary work big and special by his good intentions, good conduct, and good use of time.

The continuous creation of human beings from the beginning of the world till today has been possible and is being done only due to the good use of time. If the people who achieved fame by doing great work were still sitting hand in hand while doing it today and tomorrow, then all the means available like happiness and bliss are available and could never happen. This is the real difference between humans and animals and the identity is that people have time to recognize and use it properly, whereas animals and birds do not have such identity – test and action power.

Human life is like a stream of no life, just as the stream of river flows through uninterrupted slopes, similarly the stream of human life also keeps moving through many ups and downs. The particle of nature teaches us to follow time. Therefore, it is the duty of man not to cry that which has passed, that is, to meditate on the present and the future, that is why it is said – “Let the past fall without further attention”

One – one breath means a shortening of time, a shortening of life and death, and one step to go. I do not know when the time is up and death will take away the precious treasure with breath. Therefore, the great men have understood this fact and said not to lose a breath or a moment.

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