Short Paragraph on ‘Diabetes’ (125 Words) | Essay on Diabetes for Students and Children 


‘Diabetes’ is a disease of metabolism. It is caused due to the deficiency of the hormone insulin and results from the imbalance of the endocrine glands.

There occurs accumulation of sugar in the blood beyond the level that the kidneys can retain and this leads to the passing of sugar in urine along with the minerals and water-soluble vitamins.

There is starvation of body tissue which results in rapid utilization of proteins and fats of the body, and consequent loss of weight. Diabetes may be controlled by-

(a) Adjustment of diet in order to relieve stress on the pancreas.
(b) Supply of sufficient quantity of insulin, if necessary, to reduce the level of blood sugar to normal level and to render urine free of sugar.
(c) Administration of antidiabetic drugs to stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. 

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